16, boulevard Royal – L-2449 Luxembourg
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Our expertise

BLI - Banque de Luxembourg Investments has proven experience in fund management in three key areas: equities, bonds and multi-asset strategies.

We manage a range of over 35 investment funds with assets under management totalling 
14.71 billion euros on 30 April 2023.

Common sense investment solutions


Based in Luxembourg, away from the hustle and noise of the major financial centres, BLI’s Investment team is composed of experts in the search of quality investments.

BLI - Banque de Luxembourg Investments expertise is founded on several key principles: active management, patience, quality, risk awareness and responsibility towards environmental, social and governance challenges.


Our SRI approach

BLI - Banque de Luxembourg Investments sustainable and responsible investment policy is anchored in our historical investment philosophy based on a conviction-based, long-term investment approach. It is implemented at different stages of the investment process.

Funds under the spotlight

BL Equities Japan

The fund invests in quality Japanese companies that have a sustainable competitive advantage and a strong ESG profile.

BL Equities Emerging MarketS

The fund invests primarily in companies in Asia (excluding Japan), Latin America and the EEMEA region that have a sustainable competitive advantage and a strong ESG profile.

BL Sustainable Horizon

A global equity fund that aims to make a concrete contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

BL Equities Europe

European equity fund that combines long-term financial performance objectives with specific impact objectives.

BL Equities America

US large-cap fund that combines long-term financial performance objectives with specific impact objectives.



Integration into all steps of the investment process
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Funds under the spotlight

BL Bond Emerging Markets Sustainable

An emerging debt fund combines ESG optimisation of the sovereign pocket with impact investments (green bonds and microfinance).


BL Global Bond Opportunities

A fund that allows for optimal diversification within the different fixed income sub-asset classes and opportunistic exposure to impact management.



Various approached combined depending on the defined objectives
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Fund under the spotlight


A mixed fund that aims to generate an attractive return over the medium term through a flexible global allocation strategy.



ESG factors fully integrated in the analysis and construction of the portfolio

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Katrijn Moyersons

Sales Manager Belgium

(+352) 691 470 823

Elodie Heintz

William Millet

Sales Manager France

(+33) 1 53 48 53 77

Charles-Antoine Poupel

Sales Manager France

(+352) 27 00 5307

Lutz Overlack

Head of Sales DACH

(+49) 152 31 07 12 42

Melanie Roggemann

Sales Manager Germany

(+49) 172 44 73 202
Dirk Böckenholt

Dirk Böckenholt

Senior Sales Manager Germany

(+49) 173 63 13 703

Crédit Mutuel Investment Managers (CM IM) is responsible for the promotion and marketing of the investment strategies of the asset management companies in the Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale group, which include BLI.

This web page is not a contractual document and is intended for strictly promotional purposes. The information on this website is provided for information and is not exhaustive. The information is only valid at the time it is issued and may be updated or changed without prior notice. Under no circumstances can the information provided be construed as legal or tax advice, or an investment recommendation. Every investment involves risks which may include loss of capital. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. BLI - Banque de Luxembourg Investments ("BLI") assumes no liability for future yields or performance. BLI cannot be held liable for the information provided or for any decisions that investors make based thereon. It is the responsibility of each investor to ensure that they understand all the risks associated with their decisions, investment or otherwise, and only to make a decision after careful consideration, with their own professional advisers, of the appropriateness of the services offered for their investments and their particular financial situation especially with regard to legal, tax and accounting constraints or potential legal and regulatory restrictions on the transactions envisaged. Subscriptions are only permitted on the basis of the current prospectus, the latest annual or semi-annual report and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID). These documents are available free of charge from BLI at any time. KIIDs are also available on the BLI website
It is not permitted to reproduce, transmit, distribute or broadcast this web page and the information contained on it, without BLI's express prior agreement in writing.

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