The information provided on this website is solely intended for the presentation of BLI - Banque de Luxembourg Investments (hereinafter “BLI”) and its business.
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The information on the website is provided for information purposes only. Access to the products and services appearing on the website may be subject to restrictions with regard to certain persons or certain countries. Consequently, the information published on this website does not constitute an offer of products or services analogous to a public offering or any other sales or marketing activity or solicitation to buy or sell securities or encouragement or advice to make a particular investment or to arbitrage securities by any person in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or invitation would be considered illegal or in which the person proposing this offer or invitation is not qualified to do so or to any person to whom it is illegal to propose such an offer or invitation.
The information (data, charts and documents) presented on this website has been obtained or drawn, in whole or in part, from sources considered to be reliable. BLI cannot be held liable for any damage that may result from the use of this website or the information contained therein or that may be obtained via this website (in particular via the links provided). The information may be removed or amended at any time without prior notice. Past performance is not an indication or guarantee of future performance. BLI does not assume any liability or give any guarantee as to future performance with regard to the products and mandates under its management.
Any person who is not permitted to invest in Luxembourg investment funds, for any reason but related, for example, to his nationality or place of residence, agrees only to consult the documents intended for persons resident in or of the nationality of the specified country, if available. Persons concerned must refrain from consulting documents not intended for their country of residence. Any person who is not qualified as a professional investor within the meaning of the Luxembourg Law as amended of 30 May 2018 on financial market instruments or the Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments, agrees only to consult the documents intended for non-qualified or non-informed investors. BLI declines all liability in relation to any person and invites users to check, prior to using the website, that there is no legal restriction to prevent or restrict the provision of the information on the website.
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The user expressly acknowledges that the information and data communicated to him/her are and remain the property of BLI. The texts, graphics, photos, images, data, company and domain names, trademarks, logos and other elements are protected by intellectual property rights. They may not be reproduced or disseminated to the public without BLI's express prior authorisation in writing, unless otherwise provided for by the laws on copyright and related rights.
Access to the website
Any person coming under a jurisdiction who, for any reason linked for example to his nationality or country of residence or any other reason, is not permitted to consult websites of foreign management companies must refrain from consulting this website. BLI declines all responsibility with regard to such persons and invites users to check prior to visiting the website that no regulations prevent or restrict them from using the website provided by BLI.
This website is an information website addressed to all types of investors, who may or may not be clients of BLI. Each investor must nevertheless confirm, on entering the website, whether he or she is a private or professional investor within the meaning of Luxembourg law (see above). The content of the information available on the website will then be adapted to the investor profile. The services presented on the website are strictly reserved for clients of BLI.
BLI does not provide any guarantee with regard to the operation of the website or absence of errors in its functions and expressly declines any specific, legal or implicit guarantee with regard to the contents of this website. Under no circumstances can BLI be held liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from access to the website.
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